After initial installation and navigation to the app, you’ll see a yellow banner offering to connect to your data. Click this button to begin connecting.
This next screen will ask for entry of 3 parameters
- Email Address: Your email address. Use of this data is covered by our terms of service and privacy policy.
- StartDate: This is the earliest date from which you want to import BigTime data. We recommend setting it to the inception of your organization with BigTime to start with. If data refreshes are unacceptably long, or if historical data beyond a certain date is irrelevant to you, you can advance this date which will allow for faster refresh time on the smaller dataset.
- API Key: Enter your API key from BigTime. See below for further information about BigTime API Keys
The next screen will appear twice because there are two datasources used by the app. Select anonymous authentication and Public or None for privacy level.
The datasources in the above screens allow for connecting to the sites for the following reasons:
- for collecting data for the primary analysis
- is for collecting email address and very basic telemetry as defined by the terms of service and privacy policy.
Big Time API Keys
- Connection and query of data from BigTime is done through the API which is fully documented here. To access the Big Time API, your company must have API access which is typically included in the Advanced and Premier license levels of BigTime (BigTime pricing and feature guide is here)
- To create or retrieve an API key from BigTime, follow these steps:
- Navigate to “My Company” and “Integrations”
- Select “API Keys” and “Add API Key”
- Fill out the three fields in the popup window
- Description: Should be a descriptive name for the key such as “Power BI App API Key”
- Staffer: This is the staff member who’s user permissions will be used for accessing the data. It is recommended to use a staffer that has full administrative access to BigTime so that all data can be imported into Power BI
- Expiration Date: The key will eventually expire. Set this to a far date in the future so that your data refreshes will not be interrupted by an expired key
- Use the generated API Key value as the parameter on the Power BI connection details screen